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Node.js API Client

The API client is a Node.js package to interface with Foo's REST API programmatically. This package is hosted on NPM and exports an API client class with methods for interacting with endpoints. The project is typed (for those working with TypeScript). Before proceeding you may want to first read the below sections.

Getting Started#

Follow the steps in getting started and make sure you have an apiToken as outlined in that section.

Install the API client in your project.

npm install @foo-software/foo-api-client


We use tsc to generate types and if you use TypeScript, you may need to match our TypeScript version if you have build errors. Check our package.json to find our TypeScript version.

Example Usage#

Below illustrates an example of a variety of methods from the API client.

const ApiClient = require('@foo-software/foo-api-client').ApiClient;
const client = new ApiClient({
apiToken: 'abc123',
(async () => {
// log a max of 10 pages
const pages = await client.findPages({
parameters: {
limit: 10,
console.log('pages', pages);
// create a new page on Foo
const { data: { id } } = await client.createPage({
payload: {
name: 'Pricing',
url: ''
// we probably wouldn't do this in real life, but let's now update
// the `name` of the previously created page.
await client.updatePage({
parameters: {
payload: {
name: 'Pricing (updated name)',
// queue up a Ligthouse audit for our new page. note - upon creating
// a page - the first Lighthouse audit automatically occurs.
await client.createPageQueueItem({
parameters: {
tag: 'my programmatic Lighthouse audit',
// we can log all queue items for our new page. we should see the queue
// item we added above.
const queueItems = await client.findPageQueueItems({
parameters: {
console.log('queueItems', queueItems);
// log all completed Lighthouse audits for our new page.
const lighthouseAudits = await client.findPageLighthouseAudits({
parameters: {
console.log('lighthouseAudits', lighthouseAudits);
// okay, that was fun, but let's kill our new page now.
await client.removePage({
parameters: {
id: '608d897941166000bec8b8db',


The API client should be instantiated with your API token like so.

const client = new ApiClient({
apiToken: 'abc123',


All methods of the API client return an identical response of the corresponding endpoint. All endpoints respond with a consistent shape as described in the API Response section.


A promise that communicates with and resolves a response from the findPages endpoint.

await apiClient.findPages({
parameters: {/* your parameters here */},


A promise that communicates with and resolves a response from the createPage endpoint.

await apiClient.createPage({
payload: {/* your payload here */},


A promise that communicates with and resolves a response from the updatePage endpoint.

await apiClient.updatePage({
parameters: {/* your parameters here */},
payload: {/* your payload here */},


A promise that communicates with and resolves a response from the removePage endpoint.

await apiClient.removePage({
parameters: {/* your parameters here */},


A promise that communicates with and resolves a response from the findPageQueueItems endpoint.

await apiClient.findPageQueueItems({
parameters: {/* your parameters here */},


A promise that communicates with and resolves a response from the createPageQueueItem endpoint.

await apiClient.createPageQueueItem({
parameters: {/* your parameters here */},
payload: {/* your payload here */},


A promise that communicates with and resolves a response from the findPageLighthouseAudits endpoint.

await apiClient.findPageLighthouseAudits({
parameters: {/* your parameters here */},


A promise that communicates with and resolves a response from the updateLighthouseAudit endpoint.

await apiClient.updateLighthouseAudit({
parameters: {/* your parameters here */},
payload: {/* your payload here */},


A promise that communicates with and resolves a response from the removeLighthouseAudit endpoint.

await apiClient.removeLighthouseAudit({
parameters: {/* your parameters here */},